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Yoga Therapy München

Yoga Therapy

A holistic approach to physical and mental wellbeing

Since my personal yoga journey has been very healing for me, I'm super excited to share the healing power of yoga through yoga therapy and its tools.


Yoga therapy is a holistic approach centered around an individual person, using physical exercises, the breath and meditation to bring balance into our lives and thus accompany the healing process of physical and mental ailments. 


Because of our hectic lifestyles and the cultural pressure to performe and achieve we tend to disconnect from our bodies and often don't listen to the signals they send us when it is time to slow dow.


In a Yoga Therpay Session we analyse body and  breath as a foundation for a indivudualised practice that is tailored to your needs.

Weather you are in physical pain, suffer from a mental health issue or any kind of medical condition like asthma, diabetis, osteoporosis, anxiety, depression, sleep disorder etc., yoga therapy is a great way to recenter and balance your nervous system and thus to support your healing.

It gives you the tools to get in touch with yourself, to learn what your bodies needs are and to establish a practice in your daily life that supports your personal healing journey.

Weather you are just curious, have a particular questions or want to book a 1:1 session with me, please get in touch.

For inquiries, get in touch

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